Wingard Quality Supply, LLC (WQS) is committed to ensuring and protecting the health and safety of its most valuable resources: its team members. We make every effort to provide our staff and visitors a safe and healthy work environment, while continuously striving to eliminate potential hazards and risks that may result in injury to people, damage, or property.
This commitment is fulfilled daily through our stringent safety training, policies, and procedures, in compliance with all applicable federal and state regulations.
Safety is a shared commitment. With a target of zero time lost due to a safety incident, our management team is responsible for the implementation and reinforcement of an effective work system within their operation. However, it is everyone's responsibility to not only recognize, but also report hazards in the workplace, to protect and accept responsibility for their own safety while working in our facilities, and to respect the health and safety policies of the company.
At WQS, safety is imperative and will take priority in all areas of our business. It is the company’s belief that incidents are preventable and that an incident-free environment is achievable. Through continuous, cooperative team efforts, we’ve cultivated a positive culture to help meet our goal of ANZEN FIRST.
A - Always be aware of your surroundings.
N - Never compromise on safety.
Z - Zero Accidents.
E - Everyone is responsible.
N - Never look the other way over a safety issue.
F - Factor safety into everything you do.
I - Include safety into every meeting.
R - Respect equipment and machinery.
S - Safe behavior saves lives.
T - Take are of one another.